Do gums that have receded from nicotine pouch use grow back ?

receding gums
Bengt discusses receding gums from snus use with his dentist

Gums that have receded from long-term use of snus or nicotine pouches or from medical causes never grows back.

Snus and oral health

Several studies have shown that using snus and nicotine pouches significantly increases the risk of red inflamed gums, snus lesions and receding gums. It was when Bengt Wiberg was suffering from these issues that he first became interested in how snus affects the gums which led to him inventing the Stingfree pouch technology.

Oral health risks of receding gums

Long-term use of snus can lead to the gums receding. This can in turn create “pockets” in the gums at the snus placement site. Bacteria can accumulate in these “pockets” which can lead to bad breath, cavities and other oral health problems. When the gums recede, more of the tooth root is exposed, which can lead to sensitivity and an increased risk of cavities in this part of the tooth. In extreme cases, gum recession can lead to tooth loss.

Do gums that have receded from nicotine pouch use grow back ?

Gum tissue, or gingivae as dentists call it, is different from other tissues in the body in that it does not regenerate if it has been too badly damaged. In some cases, gum tissue can be restored with the help of dental surgery, the most common method of which is to transplant tissue from the palate to the gum.


Even though gum tissue cannot grow back after damage from snus, you can prevent further damage by not using snus or nicotine pouches, maintaining good oral hygiene and visiting your dentist regularly. If you notice any changes in your gums, you should contact your dentist for advice and possible treatment.

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